Pacific Powerboat - Innovision Latest Generation 656 Explorer

Breaking It Down: The raised bow height leads to a smoother transition into the newly developed shear line, offering an increased flare for a drier and more stable ride in rough conditions. In addition, extending the foredeck over the flared bow side sheets by half a metre, better deflects the waves in extreme conditions. With more flare around the helm bulkhead, it not only looks better, but it also helps when running in rough conditions, improving overall stability, comfort, and handling.…..

Appearance and Function: The streamlined new shearline gives the craft a softer more contemporary look, embodying Innovision’s dedication to both aesthetics and performance, while offering a timeless appearance which will endure well into the future. The quality of workmanship is unrivalled and if one wants to focus on but one example, look at the welding. So smoothly done that a final grinding down or finishing is largely unnecessary. But, good looks be damned, the formidable bow design aspect screams, “Bring it on!”.